Magazine 2017 – Winter Magazine Winter 2017 Welcome to the 17th Edition of the Magazine – Winter 2017 –

Welcome to the United States. New York City is one of the most visited cities in the world. The city is well-known for its impact on commerce, finance, art, media, fashion and entertainment. New York City has to be discovered! Interested? Read more in our article!

Furthermore you can read about Terry & Cécile. An amazing salsa couple that has been working together for years. In 2007 they started their dance school called SalsAlianza. Curious to know more about them? Read our interesting article and interwiev about them.

Please also acknowledge the ads of our partners since we started to build up a broad distribution since we started to build a broad distribution of the magazine besides the festivals and major events. This sounds interesting to you? Then you might think about becoming our partner for your city and neighborhoods!

We manage your Salsa Trips and you enjoy the party!