Page 3 - STM-2015-01-EN
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Welcome to the 11th edition of the magazine - Winter 2015 - Berlin - a magical and energetic city in the heart of europe. in this edition of our magazine you’ll get to know more background information about this wonderful late-night jewelry. further you can read about the Bands lucky 7 mambo as well as the classic salsa dura band avenida B. last but not least, our dJ pages and the event manager will keep you up-to-date with the most important upcoming festivals. You may recognize ads from some of our partners. We started to build a broad distribution of the magazine besides the festivals and major events. interested? then you may become our partner for your city and neighborhoods. - We manage your Salsa Trips and you enjoy the party! Special - Berlin page 4 The Band - avenida B page 10 The Band - lucky 7 MaMBo page 20 dJS & cd reviewS page 26 evenT Manager page 29 Magazine Imprint is a service of Salsavent UG Etlinger Str. 22 76337 Waldbronn GERMANY CEO: Rico Jochen Anderer
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