Page 23 - STM-2014-01-DE
P. 23
DJ el Chino (Colombia) musikproduzent, veranstalter, Kulturmanager, Journa- list und DJ - er ist ein echtes Allround-Talent. DJ Chino‘s solar latin Club gilt als eine der drei angesagtesten adressen. er ist zudem herausgeber der salsa World se- ries für Walboomers und seine Compilation salsa World series vol. 2 ist eine der weltweit am meisten gekauften salsa-CDs. DJ el Chinos Top 10: 1. mi Jeva - boogaloo assassins 2. nina - son Cremita 3. la mentira - Distrito salsa 4. pobrecita - la maxima 79 5. puerto rico - Tamayo 6. pancho rumba - orquesta sCC 7. el Jardinero - rey monrouzeau 9. Federico’s Tumbao - Nerio Degracia 10. Dejala - Tanga DJ Chinos salsa WorlD series vi album Tip: DJ el Chino is back with another great international compilation that represents salsa from south america, north america and europe. The salsa World series releases are not only great collections of afro latin music, but are also valuable musical documents that accompany and archive the constantly evolving internationalism of salsa. For the serious collectors, DJs and dancers out there this compilation will provide you with ex- cellent music as well as go further and open the door for further personal research and musical enlightenment. Today salsa production is not just limited to the traditional salsa epicenters such as new york, puerto rico, Colombia, Cuba and venezuela, but also “far away” places such as France, norway, Denmark and argentina, countries that are all represented in this compilation and balanced out with quality salsa from traditional epicenters. So. slip these salsa CDs into your player and enjoy the different favors of this world conquering rhythm, courtesy of one of Cali’s fnest, DJ El Chino and his Solar Latin Club! - DJ ara, Cali, Colombia september, 2013 -