Page 13 - STM-2015-07-EN
P. 13

choice and mixes. I was overwhelmed and           dancers, like the so called French style
flabbergasted. “Is this really happening?”,       or Kizomba 2.0. There is also a mix of
I thought. It was just crazy to see that the      urban and Kizomba, Urbankiz. Some
artists who are Kizomba experts and have          don’t like those new developments of
lots of musicality were bowing for me.            different styles, some do. Me personally,
That moment I will never forget. The other        I embrace variation. I love to spin every
moment I love to look back to was at Feeling      genre of Kizomba music and dance
Madrid. I wasn’t booked officially, but my        every style except Tarraxinha, sorry guys,
DJ partner Dani Fernandes and I were              I love the music though (laughs). I think
given the chance to spin at the social area.      the variation keeps it fresh and never
Afterwards the organizer came to us and           boring. A whole night traditional music
said he received so many compliments, he          or a whole night Tarraxinha music gets
wanted us to spin that night in the main area     monotonous for me. I like to mix it up,
as well. The moment I was standing there at       spin everything in the right amount. What
the big stage, spinning my music in front of      the right amount is decides the audience.
such a huge crowd was amazing. All those          The job of the DJ is to see what style the
Kizomberos dancing on my music… it was a          audience likes the most and tune in on
great feeling, I was so grateful.                 that, but keep in mind to not forget the
                                                  minority who likes the other styles. My
The dj business is rather male dominated.         DJ partner Dani Fernandes and I call our
Do you have to eliminate prejudices being         music style Sexy Kizomba, it’s a variation
such a lovely good-looking DJ?                    of everything, but sexy with a nice strong
                                                  beat (laughs).
(laughs) Well thank you. And yes, there are
some prejudices. Some laugh when I tell           What is it that attracted you in
them I am a DJ, they think I am joking, and       Kizomba?
I laugh because I can see the look on their
faces in my head when they will see me            Like for many people, Kizomba really
spinning. I don’t mind that, I like to surprise   changed my life. What I love most about
people in a positive way. What I don’t like       Kizomba besides the beautiful dance
is when people think I owe my success to          and music are the people in the scene.
being a woman. Of course it helps, I can’t        It doesn’t matter who you are, where
deny that, but eventually it is about your        you’re from, whether you are young or
music and your skills, that’s what I want to      old, full or slim, white, dark, yellow, green,
be booked for.                                    it’s all one big family. I love you guys for
                                                  that. Kizomba really unites people. In a
Which styles/artists do you prefer?               world where people are getting more and
                                                  more disconnected, Kizomba connects
Well, this is a tricky one. I have the feeling    people. Not through social media, but
that in the Kizomba scene, there are some         in real life, real connection. Perhaps
dancers thinking their way is the only right      that’s the secret to the big success and
way - not all of course, I have to be careful     popularity of Kizomba.
with this (laughs). I understand the traditional
Kizomba steps, Passada, and the traditional                  Interview with Lisa Rose by Michael
music are the roots of nowadays Kizomba.                                              ‘Mambito’ Beyer
From there dancers created their own
style, some styles were followed by lots of
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