Page 12 - STM-2015-04-EN
P. 12

City Portrait

Münster, which is located in the           Another reason might be the cultural
northern part of the federal state North-  aspect. Münster contains a number of
Rhine Westphalia in Germany, is also       districts in the baroque style. Significantly
known as the “Cultural Centre” of the      buildings of this style are to be found in
neighbourhood.                             the urban image, e. g. masterpieces of the
                                           baroque architect Johann Conrad Schlaun
Founded 793 a.d., Münster became           like the Palace of Münster, the „Adelshof
a “Großstadt (major city)” in 1915,        Erbdrostenhof“, the „Clemenskirche“ and
when it reached the mark of 100,000        „Rüschhaus“.
inhabitants. Nowadays it has a
population about 300,000 people. In        Another important milestone was the
2004 Münster won the international         renovation of the medieval city mounting
LivCom Award and was evaluated to          which is today a beautiful and lovely
be the city most worth living worldwide.   promenade decorated with green spaces
But how come?                              and water areas. Fabulous places, modern
                                           life and green oases. There’s much to see
It has to be considered that the           in Münster. Walking along the promenade,
inhabitants are always given the           go for a visit in the harbour in order to drink
possibilities to participate at current    a coffee there with a view over the water
activities and events of the city.         in the backdrop of modern architecture
Especially in urban development and        mixed with old storage houses.
planning the town quotes are exceeding
the dimension which is fixed by law.       Tourists might also be attracted by the
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