Page 13 - STM-2015-04-EN
P. 13

Palace (Schloss) of Münster. It was            and University of Applied Sciences. The
originally built from 1767 to 1787 as a        westphalian “Wilhelms University” is one
residence for bishops and princes. After       of biggest Universities in Germany. It’s
the World War the outdoor facility has         not only one of the principal institutions
been rebuilt true to original. It is in the    there; it is also the major employer of the
style of baroque. Today it is used as the      whole town together with the University
administrative centre of the university. In    Clinic. The College of Münster has also
the castle square there’s the funfair three    a key role as the fourth largest one all
times in the year. It’s called „Send“ and      over Germany. Even more, this college
it attracts thousands of visitors every        is the strongest in research. The main
year. Near the castle square there is also     subjects of the Universities and Colleges
the central auditorium building of the         in Münster are Mathematics, Natural
university, where different conventions        Sciences and Jurisprudence.
and concerts are taking place sometimes.
                                               But it’s not only about learning and
Theatre, Cabaret, Art, Music and also          studying for the students here. Münster
Literature, all these activities can be found  is offering a wide range of extracurricular
in the cultural schedule of this beautiful     activities. In the pulsating Old Town you
city!                                          can find many bars and clubs, which
                                               are mostly frequented by students.
Moreover, it is a University Town. Almost      Furthermore, Münster is known for
50,000 students are taking classes in          Europe’s biggest Bowling Party, the
institutes like the University of Münster      “Kegelparty”, the so called “Bullenball”,
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