Page 14 - STM-2015-04-EN
P. 14

the beautiful Christmas Market and          traffic than the traffic of cars! In comparison
Night flea market.                          to the number of bikes in this city and
                                            the number of inhabitants, two bikes are
Münster also has a vivid salsascene. If     attributed to one person, which means,
you are on a visit and would like to enjoy  there are more than 500,000 bicycles
some nice dances - these are the places     there. And the Bikers are very much
to be: every Tuesday the “Cuba Nova”,       supported. High numbers of bicycle paths
every Wednesday the Salsomania (1st         are preserved. There are even special traffic
and 3rd) or the Hot Jazz Club (2nd and      lights for bikers in the centre! The bicycle
4th) and on every 3rd Saturday you          is the frequently used mean of traffic in
can check out the “Salsa & Sensual          Münster. It is also called „Leeze“ there. If
Lounge”. Münster is also known in the       you want to get a real „Münster Feeling“,
scene for its Salsafestival happening       you are supposed to swing yourself on
every year in April.                        a bike. There is no need to worry about
                                            thievery. You can park your bike in one
Another worth seeing place is the           of the three Parking stations for bikes in
„Prinzipalmarkt“, the major shopping        Münster, e. g. the one at the main station,
street and place in the centre of           which is the biggest in Germany with over
Münster. Luxurious shops, cafés and         3,500 places. You can also get service
restaurants can be found there. It goes     there and there’s even a washing bay for
from the St. Lambert’s Church to the        bikes! So it is no surprise that Münster has
Townhouse Tower. Historical buildings       been priced as the „cycle-friendliest city“ in
on the one side and descriptive gables      Germany for several times.
on the other side are also remarkable.
Unfortunately it was mostly destroyed       In Summary it can be said, that Münster
during the World War but it was rebuilt     is a beautiful and worth visiting town in
from 1947 to 1958, very true to the         the north-west of Germany. It has a big
originals.                                  and distinct cultural repertory, numbers of
                                            sights and places of interest, magnificent
And of course, when you are visiting        green spaces and lovely promenades for
Münster you won’t be able to overlook       strollers and bikers.
all those numerous bicycles. In fact, it
is the Capital of bicycles in Germany! In                                                   D. Fischer
2007 there has been noted more bike
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